Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Kriya Yoga

Kriya Yoga is a conjunction of two words Kriya and Yoga, Kriya implies something in action whereas yoga means union and if we read both words in each other relation then it means comes out to be to achieve union with God/Self by means of some kriyas/action.
In kriya yoga, we won’t disciplined mind by force but we create some action in it though in actual mind always wander and remain occupied or attached to one or more thing but in kriya yoga action means flow of mental energy in one direction and then in other point or direction thereby developing its all faculties.
Kriya yoga enables one to tame its wandering mind by following some techniques. These techniques includes some physical movement along with visualization. As we all know that energy follows mind or we can say that they are interconnected or two sides of one coin. If you can control your mind then your energy shall also be controlled and if you can control your energy then your mind shall come under your control. When I am saying energy it means prana shakti which pervades all over.
In next post I will explain some kriyas to control wavering mind.

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