Thursday, May 28, 2009

Yogic Kriyas

Dear all
Now I want to share you with some yoga kriyas which if regularly practised could give great results but before that, Please Note that-
a) If anyone have any kind of medical problem history then please consult your doctors before practicing any kriya else instead of getting benefit, you can suffer health loss;
b) Content given in this blog is just for knowledge sharing and it could not replace practical doing of same under guidance of competent yoga master, please be careful;
c) The techniques described herein are exposed for study purposes only and serve as a comparison with the works of other researchers. The author hopes this work will inspire intelligent feedback. Any remarks, criticism, corrections and additions are welcome. Before practicing any kind of yogic exercise/kriya please do learn such yogic kriya under guidance of competent yoga teacher;
d) Author shall not be liable for any loss, harm, suffering (whether physically & mentally) etc. which may arise by doing of such yogic kriyas as mentioned herein; All these kriyas should be learnt and practice under guidance of competent guru

  • The First Kriya is Bhastrika Pranayama- in this kind of pranayama the person needs to do full chest/abdominal breathing continuously for some time (time depends upon one’s ability, repetition may vary from 5-25 or more) and by doing this kriya one may find that oxygen level of his body gets enhanced and you feel more energetic and recharged. It cleans blockage in nose/chest and make your lungs more efficient in taking oxygen. It is a very good yogic technique. The second Kriya will be explained in my next post.

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