Sunday, December 29, 2013

Unmani Mudra (State of "No Mind")

"Unmani Mudra"

The word Unmani means “thoughtless” or “no mind”. Unmani Mudra is easy to learn but very difficult to master. Unmani Mudra is very useful in developing awareness of chakras and this Unmani Mudra prepares platform for higher yogic techniques. In actual Unmani Mudra is having very deep effect on mental plane because this yogic technique is practiced more on mental plane than physical.

So let me explain how to practice Unmani Mudra. First you must sit in any comfortable asana in which you can keep your spinal cord straight along with neck for long time. It may be Padam Asana, Vajra Asana, Sukh Asana or Sidha Asana (best). Now first bring your awareness at “Bindu” (where Pandits keep their hairs locked) and your eyes must be open wide without focusing on any external thing. It means that though your eyes are open but your awareness is at “Bindu” (and when you will be perfected in this Mudra, then you won’t see anything despite of fact that your eyes are open). Then breath deeply and when breath starts going outside the body, imagine prana is going downwards through spine while crossing chakras in Spine i.e. from point Bindu to Agya chakra, Vishudhi, Anahat, Manipur, Swadisthan and then Muladhar. And your eyes in synchronization with breath and awareness, will also get closed slowly as you proceeds from Bindu towards Muladhar. And your eyes will be closed completely at the time of exhalation of breath completely and your awareness comes to Muladhar. This is one round. Again breath-in and do the same procedure for 11 rounds.

Some people do Unmani Mudra by fixing gaze in Shunya  but outside body for long time.

Please don’t get upset if not done initially but keep doing it and it will happen spontaneously. The important part of this Unmani Mudra is that a person learns how to shift his/her  awareness despite of active Gyan-indriya (eyes-sight, ear-smell, tongue-taste, nose-smell and skin-touch).

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