Thursday, December 26, 2013

Chakra Purification Technique

Dear Friends

In continuation of my last post, now I am going to tell you very easy and one of most effective techniques of Yoga to control your Prana i.e. energy inside your body. I have already explained about Prana Shakti and state of Prana in your body indicates your state of soul. Let me explain it with one simple example .. Imagine that there’s lake of pure and clean water and you want to see your face in its water but until ripples in water stop, you won’t be able to see you face. In like manner, Prana is vibrating in our body in some frequency and that frequency is our (Spirit’s) spiritual growth on the graph of time and universe. And until that vibration of Prana is not lowers down or stop, you cannot see or feel your own true state. Profound Yogies first attempt to control their Prana Shakti and then turns this Prana Shakti in their spiritual growth. The moment, this prana becomes static even for a moment, your breath ceased and your thought process also slows down and one day you will also have state of “no thought". And from here, you starts feeling real yogic experiences. In this stillness and state of “no mind”, you will be able to experience "peace" in its true meaning and gradually in due course of time, you will also find your true self, which we called “Atma Sakshatkar”.

Now I am going to tell you this simple but very effective yogic technique but before that you must go through my earlier post, in which I have told about the chakras and their location in our spine - First you have to sit in sukhasana or Padma Asana or Sidha Asana or any other Asana in which you can sit comfortably with erected spine and straight neck. You must first calm your mind by concentrating on your in-breath and out-breath and after 4-5 minutes you can start doing this yogic technique. 

You now first start from Muladhar Chakra (Root Chakra) and chant “OM” while imagine that such sound of “OM” is echoing on Muladhar Chakra location and immediately shift your awareness to Swadisthan Chakra and again chant “OM” mentally on Swadisthan Chakra in the same manner and then shift your awareness to Manipur Chakra and repeat the same procedure upto Bindu. From Muladhar to Bindu is half procedure and when you start shifting your awareness from Bindu towards Muladhar, you first shift your awareness at point where our neck connects with skull and repeat the same mantra “OM” and then to vishudhi, Anahata, Manipur, Swadisthan and Muladhar. This whole procedure is one cycle. And you can repeat this atleast for 12 cycles and upto any time.

While doing above mentioned yogic technique, you will gradually feel that, the location where chakras are located, there are some kind of knot type feeling in spine and you may also feel sweet pain in those locations of chakras and gradually these knots will dissolve with due course of time as you will progress in your this yogic journey. But the main part of this yogic technique is that you will feel that while doing this yogic technique, your awareness starts drawing inside and you will start forgetting the outside world at all. You will also feel that your breath starts slowing down and even it ceased sometimes for a moment upto few minutes. Many of my students have felt that their breath ceased upto 5-8 minutes without any effort or outer control. This cessation of breath start on its own and this is what we called “Keval Kumbhak”. You may chant any other single word of GOD like Ram, Krishna, Soham etc. in place of OM.

Please note that- you don’t have to think and feel the same thing, which I have told you. Rather you just start doing this yogic technique and you will start feeling the same. Please also tell your experiences on this blog, so that others may also know about the same.

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