Saturday, October 26, 2013

Meditation by way of Kriya Yoga

Meditation by way of Kriya Yoga 

Many people find it difficult to control Prana directly by way of controlling breathing pattern. I have received many queries relating to difficulty in attaining meditative state. 

Actually mind and breath are two sides of same coin. Many of you have also observed on several occasions that whenever you mind is calm, your breath also becomes calm and when your breath is calm, your mind  also comes in calm state and very few thoughts emerge in your mind during such state of calmness.

Actually I have received many queries from many persons that they are struggling to get into meditative state. I am surprised that how the meditative state can be achieved or meditation can be done with struggle. Whereas, meditation comes on its own, it’s just your own state of mind and nothing else. In meditation, your all energies flows in one direction and your mental faculties got concentrated towards single point or in other words your mind becomes static for a moment and in that single moment you find more concentrated, more energized, more calmed, more focused without loss of mental energies.

 Let me explain it by giving single example.. Imagine that you are sitting somewhere and listening to music with open eyes and if someone will pass by you even then you may not have seen that person just because your mind is more attached to your ears than your eyes while listening to music. It means, though eyes were there --  but to see something we need one more thing and that is mind i.e. attention. Sadhus called it Surat means face of soul, the mind … and here is the key of Meditation… we only need to extend that state of mind to get focused on one point. This is one way …

But many Persons find it difficult to get focused on one single point for long time because mind is of flickering nature and it shifts concentration or attention from one point to another, which makes more difficulty for a person to come in meditative state… here comes another technique of Meditation.

Chakra Purification Technique / Kriya —It is called as Chakra Purification technique and it’s really so easy and effective that if you continue to do it regularly, your mind will become calmer and more calmer and one day you will also achieve the state of keval kumbhak i.e. static prana… Static Prana means where breath cease for long time.

I will post the Technique in my next post.


Unknown said...

Can u tell me the books contaning best and foremost important techniques concerened with yoga esp.kundalini that we can control our body at any any time by just by our will...

I have already gone throuh various texts of swami sivananda sarawati...

And also

Soham Om said...

My advice to you is that the purpose of the Books is just to develop basic knowledge about the subject matter. But as far as kundalini energy is concerned then its always advisable to first search for true guru and start doing yogic techniques under his guidance.