AGOCHARI MUDRA (Nose Gazing Technique)-
Agochari Mudra or
Nose Gazing Technique is very powerful and effective yogic technique to
activate Muladhar Chakra in short span of time or we can say that this is the
easiest and most effective technique to activate muladhar chakra, where Kundalini
Shakti rest. Kundalini Shakti is represented by Snake having two mouths coiled
three and half times and upper mouth of that serpent (kundalini shakti) is
opened by which some Prana Shakti pervades in ourselves to sustain life by way
of breathing etc. However, before activating Muladhar Chakra and activating
Kundalini Shakti forcefully, it is always advised to first invoke Sushmana Nadi
and only then start doing any other yogic technique of Kundalini Yoga. Hence it
is always advised to practice any kind of Yogic sadhna only under any competent
guru, otherwise it may possible that practitioner instead of getting any
benefit may suffer irreparable damage/loss on psycho-physiological plane.
Agochari Mudra or
Nose Gazing technique is primarily yogic technique to activate Muladhar Chakra
but in actual it also activates Agya Chakra. As Muladhar Chakra is also
directly connected to Agya Chakra. If any person is activating Agya Chakra then
his Muladhar will also get activated upto some extent and vice versa.
Now I am going to
tell you that how to do Agochari Mudra- First you have to sit in some
comfortable Asana/pose like Padma Asana, Sidha Asana, Sukha Asana, Gupta Asana,
Vajra Asana etc. in which your spine and neck must be in straight line and then
close your eyes and first do 4 rounds of Anulom Vilom slowly. After completing
Anulom Vilom, you just be aware about your incoming and outgoing breath for 4-5
minutes and then open your eyes and start doing gazing on tip of nose by pointing
your eye balls on tip of nose. While doing gazing on tip of nose, you must be focusing
on shape ‘V’ of Nose and if you are not able to see Shape ‘V’ then you must correct
your focus. The easy way to do the same is by way of putting thumb in front of
your face and start gazing on thumb and then bring your thumb slowly towards
nose tip while continuing gazing on it and then shift your focus from thumb to
tip of nose. By this way, you will be able to gaze correctly on tip of nose
while having shape ‘V’. You have to focus on tip i.e. on tip of ‘/\’.
To get benefit of this Mudra,
you must try to gaze on tip of nose atleast for 10 minutes twice a day. And you
will feel that after some time your will power has become stronger and stronger
and now you are able to counter your fear or any task of your life with great
ability. If you will be able to continuously do this yogic technique for long
period then you will start experiencing some divine experiences like smell of
some divine fragrance and many people may also feel vibration in Muladhar
Chakra and automatic kapalbhati kind of movement in abdominal area near “Manipur
Chakra”, which you would not be able to stop on your own because its caused due
to movement in Kundalini energy. Actually Kundalini Shakti trigger from
Muladhar and settles in Manipur Chakra, so while practicing this Agochari
Mudra, many of you may also feel activation of all chakras including Manipur
Last but not least, it is again advised to all readers that don’t try
any kind of Yogic Sadhna on your own but only under guidance of Competent Guru.
While practicing any kind of Kundalini Yoga technique, it is advisable to have
pure life including pure vegetarian food. Please also read my warning /alert post in the
beginning of Blog.
Can we chant any mantra during gazing?
Yes you can chant mantra while doing Agochari mudra but its advisable that you must first start this nose gazing technique while observing your natural breathing.
Rev Sir, I've a query , in RS faith I've read about a mental state Un-Mun-Sun Avastha , is there any connection between this Un-Mun-Sun & Unmani Avastha ?? It may be irrelevant to ask such a question under the discussion of Agochari Mudra though ..Sorry for that Sir ..
Rev Sir, I've a query , in RS faith I've read about a mental state Un-Mun-Sun Avastha , is there any connection between this Un-Mun-Sun & Unmani Avastha ?? It may be irrelevant to ask such a question under the discussion of Agochari Mudra though ..Sorry for that Sir ..
Sir, which is better to practise- agochari mudra or bindu tratak? Which is more beneficial?
Hello, sorry for delayed response. Both are good. But Agochari Mudra has its own impact. Agochari Mudra i.e. Gazing on Nose Tip activates Muladhar very quickly and upto some extent Agya Chakra Also. Whereas, Tratak on bindu primarily activates Agya Chakra. Every one is supposed to work upon each and every Chakra if you want to elevate your energies to higher chakras. Please note before doing any kind of Yogic Practise, you must do nadi shodhan pranayama first.
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