Saturday, May 24, 2014

Surat Shabad Yoga (Ancient Yoga)

Dear Friends

Let me tell you about that ancient yoga, which is propounded by all great Hindu Medivial saints of India. In actual, all hindu medivial saints like Saint Kabir, Guru Nanak Dev, Saint Ravidas, Saint Dadu Dayal, Saint Paltu Das etc. had not only practised Surat Shabad Yoga but also propounded the same to all their disciples and common mass. This is one of most easiest yoga which can be followed by any person. Even in Holy Bible it is said "In the begining was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God". The relevance of "word" is mentioned in all religion in some or other manner. So let me explain the "Surat Shabad Yoga".   

The Literal meaning of Surat is "conciousness" (face of soul) and Shabad means "Word" given by true saint/Guru. In actual, this Surat Shabad yoga is mainly practised in Guru (True master/Guru)-Shishya (Disciple) Parampara (following) and every master initiates his disciple in this Surat Shabad Yoga by giving him a Word to meditate.
Basically, the "Word", which we are talking about, is not a wordly Word but it is that Word or Sound, which yogies/saints heard in their deep meditative state. But to reach that Spritual True Word, first we have to start practising in worldly Word given by True Master. And when your meditation on that Wordly Word matures, you further start perceiving that real "Word/Sound", about which all saints preached and advised.
Its human nature that every person easily understands worldly words and found himself/herself comfortable to concentrate on that worldly Word. And this is the reason, that evey True Master initiates every of his disciple in Surat Shabad Yoga with one Wordly "Word" and then teaches him, how to reach that Spritual True "Word/Sound", after attainment of which, your Soul get attracted towards that Vast Unknown  Power, which we called 'GOD" PARAM BRAHAM" "RAM" "SOHAM" etc.
Many people think that whats the need of Guru in doing this kind of Surat Shabad Yoga practice, any one can start chanting any Word like Krishna, Ram, Allah, God etc. But it is not the same thing, because True Guru not only give you "Word" but also teaches you how to meditate on it and at what point. Secondly, True Guru also imparts his/her spritual energy into you along with that Word, and its like a push. Meaning thereby that when you have both i.e. Right Direction and Push, You will start running on that Path. And Last but not lease, in spritual journey, we come across various obstacles which is created by our previous samskars and imbalance of Prana Shakti then True Master is the only safeguard for you. So my humble advice to all readers of my blog is that you must not start doing any kind of Yoga practise without proper initiation in it and without proper guidance. So please start searching true Guru first.
The effect of Surat Shabad Yoga is so great that when your inner conciousness start merging with Word then your ego will start melting and you will find yourself more calmed and peaceful. And by the time, you will proceed further in this yogic path, you will start experiencing various Yogic Sidhis like Keval Kumbhak i.e. where you breath ceases on its own without any effort, you will start having visions, you may recall your all previous births (like I have seen my two previous births in trance), you will hear that Spritual Sound, which yogies called "Anhad Naad", you can experience fourth state of mind i.e. "Turiya"  where Soul rest in peace with that unknown power.
The main features which makes Surat Shabad Yoga more relevant in present times are - First- its most relevant in present times, where most of people doesn't have time to deal with difficult and technical Yogic Kriyas. This Surat Shabad Yoga is easy to do and understand. Secondly, It can be done anywhere and anytime, without any previous qualifications or eligibility, though best time is early morning and in evening. This Surat Shabad Yoga gives you best possible early results and gets you more closer to your inner conciousness. Thirdly, Surat Shabad Yoga can be practised by any person following any religion etc.
Continued ...

Monday, May 19, 2014


Dear Friends
Recently I got some mails from viewers of this Blog that they want to know about what is Prana and Apna and what is its function. So let me explain in brief that-
Prana and Apana are two vital forces (Prana Shakti) which works incessantly in all persons and when it stops,  the person died. The foremost efforts of true yogi is to first control Prana shakti and Apana Shakti and then to make effort to Unite Prana with Apana. Even Lord Krishna said in Gita that "A yogi who knows how to mix prana with Apana and vice versa, such Yogi is greatest among all Yogies". And the Moment Prana starts meeting / uniting with Apana, your breath starts slowing down and one day your breath will stop completely without any effort. Here, you will find a moment where there's no breath and also no mind at the same time. Meaninig thereby that as your breath stops on its own, your whole thought process also stops. And here your real inner journey starts and gradually your mind will become calmer and calmer day by day and one day your all energies will start ascending upwards towards higher chakras. At the same time, your all chakras will get purified and one day your Kundalini Shakti will reach your final destination i.e. your all energies will be reached at Sahastrasar Chakra where you will see your real identity i.e. Atma Sakshatkar (Self realisation).

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Best Morning Set of Yoga Pranayam and Asana for over all Best results

My Dear Friends

I have received various queries related to one common question that "How one have to do  Yoga Asana and Pranayam in the morning".

So I want to tell you one of such set of yogic exercises that will bring best result to most of all persons. And if you will continue to do this at your home then definitely you will be get overall health benefit and also kundalini awakening. But it is one again repeated for the sake of precaution that before doing any yogic exercise, first consult with your doctor and if any person is suffering from any kind of heart problem then he/she must not do any kind of pranayam or excercise without consulting his/her doctor. Even pregnant ladies or females who want to conceive must not do such kind of yogic exercise otherwise you may got bad effects. It is always advised to do all yogic exercise and breathing techniques only under guidance and supervision of Competent Yoga Teacher. Please be advised accordingly.

So in morning best time is early 5 am to 7 am and First after getting free from natural calls, you first do some warm up exercise like 1 km walk or 500 mts jogging etc. so that in winters your body could be prepared for further yoga exercise. 

After that first sit in any comfortable asana in which you can keep your back/spine straight along with your neck and start doing Anulom Vilom (manually) for 5-7 minutes. Please remember while doing Anulom Vilom (alternative breathing exercise) the ratio of inhalation and exhalation must be 1:2. For example, if you inhale in 4 seconds then try to exhale in 8 seconds. For anulom vilom pranayam you may see my earlier post also.

Initial Yoga Asana-

1. Surya Namaskar is best.
2. Paschimotan Asana
3. Bhujang Asana
4.Sarvang Asana
5.Matsya Asana

1. Anulom Vilom --                    5-7 minutes
2. Bhastrika Pranayam -          25 times in one go
3. Kapal Bhati Pranayam-       250 times in one go
4. Agnisar kriya          -             3 times
5.Tribandha Mudra -               3 times

then again -

1. Anulom Vilom --                    2 minutes
2. Bhastrika Pranayam -          10 times in one go
3. Kapal Bhati Pranayam-       250 times in one go
4. Agnisar kriya          -             3 times
5.Ashwini Mudra-                     3 times

then again -

1. Anulom Vilom --                    1 minutes
2. Bhastrika Pranayam -          10 times in one go
3. Kapal Bhati Pranayam-       250 times in one go
4. Vajroli Mudra          -             3 times
5.Ashwini Mudra-                     3 times
6.Tribandha Mudra-                 3 times

then again -

1. Anulom Vilom --                    1 minutes
2. Kapal Bhati Pranayam-       250 times in one go
3. Ashwini Mudra-                     3 times
4.Mahamudra-                          3 times

and at last you have to do

1. Vipreet Karni Mudra
2.Matsya Asana
3.Anulom Vilom
4.Agochari Mudra at least for 10 minutes

Please note that gradually, you have to increase the frequency of Kapal Bhati from 250 times to 500 times in one go. meaning thereby that, you will start kapalbhati from 1000 times to 2000 times in one sitting
The above given set of yoga Asana and Pranayam, will boost your internal energies. And you will feel that with the passage of time, glow on your face has been increased, your stamina has been increased, your food intake become low, your ingla and pingla is subside and your sushmana is now awakened for longer times. And one day your kundalini will also be awakened by doing Tribandha Mudra.