Tuesday, March 5, 2013

How to awaken Sushmana

Dear friends

As I have already explained the role of Sushmana (Sukhmana) which is one of vital prana currents in our body. As I have already explained that in human body there are three vital currents which keeps going day and night for whole life but alternatively. Left current which we called Ingla or Moon Current flows from our Left Nostril (Right Nostril is closed) and Right Current which we called Pingla or Sun Current flows from Right Nostril (when Left Nostril is closed), But sometimes you have also noticed that for a short time breath (Prana Vayu) is coming and going from both the Nostrils, here is the meeting point of Left current/Ingla and Right Current/Pingla, and we call it SUSHMANA.

In yog, unless and untill yogi attains the stage where his sushmana remains open for long long time, no fruit of yoga can be achieved or get. Hence, in yog our first attempt is to open Sushmana or you may understand in different words that breath should come and go from both the nostrils simultaneously in equal force.

You might have seen the alternative nostril breathing, which we call ANULOM VILOM pranayam. Many people do Anulom Vilom technique to open Sushmana but most of the people do it manually means with hands, which is not absolutely wrong but not correct also. Because the first aim of yoga is to have control over Prana Shakti means Life Force, and that can be achieved only by Will i.e. Sankalpshakti.

Hence First step in order to achieve awakening of Sushmana or Sukhmana which we also call Brahmanadi, we must first practice how to sit quite in comfortable asana in which we can maintain our back straight along with neck.. But there should not be any tension in upper torso. So you can sit in Sukhasana, Vajrasana, Padmasana or Sidhasana(best).

Second Step is - to keep awareness just below both the nostrils where your breath is striking when coming inward, just keep awareness on that base of nostril (just below your nose) for sometime. And then start shifting your awareness on left nostril while feeling that air is coming from left nostril and also going from left nostril irrespective of fact that whether it is coming fomr left or right or from both nostril. And then after few minutes (5 min.) you must again shift your awareness from left to right nostril while feeling that air is coming from Right Nostril and also going from Right Nostril irrespective of fact that whether it is coming from right, left or from both the nostrils.

You will be amazed to see that just by doing this simple technique your breathing starts changing as per your awareness on any of nostrils. And when you will put your awareness on below the space of your both the nostrils, then your breath will start flowing from both the nostrils which indicates that now your sushmana is opening and with continous practice and within a month, you will be having better control of your breath patterns which will not only infulence your body but also your mind and spirit.

As you all know that our breath changes as per our mood and vice versa. It is experienced that when people start doing this technique they got better control over their emotions, moods swings, depression, anxiety, fear, anger and decision making ability. And the reason behind this is that while mastering this technique alone, you start getting control over your Prana Shakti i.e. life force.

This is the First Step towards actual and real yogic practice....





Traveller said...

Appreciate a lot your efforts in sharing your yoga knowledge & experiences.Please keep writing. Thanks

Sweta Rawat said...

Thank you. As in Anulom-Vilom we see alternative nostril breathing but manually. Do you also suggest 'alternative' non-manual breathing.

Soham Om said...

Yes in actual when you do anulom vilom manually its starting but when you can change your swar (means changing breathing into any nostril whether left right or from both) its nothing but control over prana and when you can do this, your personal nature, anger, etc. comes under your control...