Saturday, October 23, 2021

Purpose of Meditation

Hello Friends, I hope all of you and your dear ones are safe doing good in your life. I am receiving many queries about meditation and what is the purpose of meditation in anyone's life.

In my previous post, I had tried to clarify that why most of people are not getting real benefit of meditation as they are trying to meditate by their mind which in itself is biggest hurdle in meditation and secondly, most of people are focussing their consciousness on something external objects or even internal points inside body below Agya Chakra. Rather the true meditation is not about focussing attention but to withdraw attention from where it is emanating i.e. to its original source which is none but our true self i.e. soul.

Now the question arises that "what is the purpose of true meditation". To answer this question I want to first ask one question that "who are we ?" .. I must say 99% people will identify their true self from their physical body. They would say my name is so and so, my father's name is so and so. This is because they are only aware about this physical world and their physical body and not aware about higher planes of consciousness. And this is simply because we have been habituated since our birth to seek everything including spiritual knowledge outside and not within. Here the role of meditation starts. If you meditate within then within short time you would come to know that you are not body but something within it. 

Meditation is a way to know about your own true self. Now the question arises, what is our own true self. Now, here we have to understand about our true consciousness which is none but our soul. You can equated the light of one soul with 16 physical Sun, which we see in outside world. The Soul is our pure consciousness but our awareness has been put at outside world for so long time which we can't know that we have forget our true being and starts identifying ourselves with physical body. 

In meditation, when our consciousness starts moving within ourselves then we slowly slowly experience that we are not this physical body but there is something else within. and this physical body is just like clothe which soul is wearing. If anyone goes within then he/she would found that there is another world inside ourselves which is much bigger than what we see outside and we call it our Astral Body. Many people got confuse Astral Body with Soul. Our all sensory functions still operates in this Astral Body. Actually this astral body overlaps with physical body when one is alive and after death, soul keep wearing this Astral Body as one of clothe and waits for next as per previous births deeds (Karma). But actually we are not even an Astral body and this is another clothe/cover which soul is wearing. During meditation, when one goes deep within, then he/she come to know that even Astral Body is not our true self but there is another realm which we call Causal Body, which is responsible for all creations whether inside or outside body. It is the causal force which creates mind and keep soul from its true self or consciousness. 

To be very honest, any meditation technique cannot take you beyond Astral Body and it is only your love and devotion towards True Master (Satguru) who takes you beyond Astral Body. This Causal body cover of soul is not our true self and only True Master who himself has experienced SatLok/Sachkhand can take you beyond Causal body and beyond causal body, the soul find itself in its true consciousness and Soul experiences there as unit of total consciousness (Parbraham). All power operates under Causal Body and not beyond that because nothing exists beyond causal body. And I must say that there are only few marked souls who happened to merge with total consciousness and become one with it. 

So meditation is just like a tool which allow us to move our awareness within and to higher regions which are unknown to us and even which are beyond our mind. The whole world including whole Universe, Galaxies, Planets have been created in space and mind. Space means Time which is Kaal. So mind (mann/Kaal) is that power who has created this whole Universe, multiverse etc. but the Unit of pure consciousness is beyond all this. 

If anyone spends its whole life in searching spirituality outside even then he/she would not move even an inch in spiritualism but if you inwards your awareness in meditation then definitely you would start experiencing all such experience which are not within our knowledge. This is such a topic that I can keep writing incessantly but same cannot be explained and that's why I just say to search for True Master and go within..                   

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