Monday, June 25, 2012

Nadi Shodhan Pranayam (for Purification of Nadis)

First of all I want to say sorry to all of my dear friends and members for not updating this blog regularly, actually now a days I am getting busy with my clients.

Well in my series of various yogic techniques, now I am going to tell you and explain Nadi Shodhan Pranayam.

Nadi Shodhan Pranayam-

Nadi means “Plexuses” and Shodhan means “to purify”

You may be acquainted with the term Nadis which means plexuses i.e. intersection of nerves. These nadis can be obstructed and blocked due to our previous deeds, present deeds, fooding habits, thought. Due to which reason prana shakti (life force), by which our whole body system functions, gets weaken and sometimes completely blocked.

The blockage of these nadis can cause various kinds of diseases including cancer, diabetes, long term diseases etc.

By practicing Nadi Shodhan Pranayam, we can clean our nadi system so that prana shakti (life force) can flow and be maintained throughout body.

Most of the persons gets confused between anulom vilom and nadi shodhan pranayam, well let me explain that nadi shodhan pranayam is advanced form of anulom vilom. However, anulom vilom also clean nadis but Nadi shodhan pranayam have greater impact on nadis and invoke yogic fire (yoga agni), which purifies nadis in less time.

In fact, no pranayam (breathing technique) can give any result unless your nadis are clean and pure. So every yoga practitioner should practice Nadi Shodhan Pranayam daily, so let me explain Nadi Shodhan pranayam.

In Nadi Shodhan Pranayam, first we have to inhale from any of one (left or right) nostril (preferably from left nostril) slowly and the moment you stops inhaling for that nostril, you have to hold your breath inside and simultaneously you have to perform mulbandha (with lower abdomen in) & Jalandhar bandha for such time as you can hold your breath comfortably; and when you feel that now you need another breath, then you have to exhale slowly. This is half procedure and you have to repeat the same procedure from other nostril also. This will complete one round of nadi shodhan pranayam. You have to do nadi shodhan pranayam in the following proportions-

Inhale (purak) – 1

Breath hold (Kumbhak) -4

Exhale (Rechak) -2

That is, by doing inhaling-holding breath-exhaling in the ratio 1:4:2, your breathing capacity will be increased gradually and your nadi system will be purified in due course of time.

By practicing NadiShodhan Pranayam (atleast for 4 times in morning, noon and evening) , your sushmana naadi will be awakened and you will feel that now your both of nostrils are working regularly for long time. It’s one of symptom before awakening of kundalini shakti.

Nadi Shodhan Pranayam is one of technique by which Prana shakti meets Apana Shakti at Manipur KShetra (Navel) consciously, and when these two forces meets, spark generated, which in result can activate and invoke kundalini shakti.

I remember that when my kundalini shakti gets awakened, my sushmana was activated continuously for months without break.


spiritual26 said...

Thanks for the clarification of the difference between anulom vilom and nadi shodan pranayam , very nice and informative, i just wanted to know what is the technique of anulom vilom pranayam for beginners , any other precautions/preparations, thanks and regards

Venkatram said...

Pranaam Sir: Thank you for the information on Nadi Shodana Pranayama.
I have one clarification. when we release the breath, should we release in the same nostril we have inhaled or the other nostril or normally.
Request you to kindly clarify.

Soham Om said...

If you are inhaling through left then release through right nostril and vice versa