Thursday, September 8, 2011

Ashwini Mudra

Ashwini Mudra is a very powerful mudra by which we can uplift our energy into sushmana. Literally Ashwini means "Horse" and Mudra means "pose" and this name has been derived due to reason that Horse uses to do this kriya naturally to pull out is excreta.

If you ever feel that your nostrils are blocked and if you want to open both currents of nostrils, then you can open both currents ( into sushmana nadi) by doing this ashwini mudra.

Ashwini Mudra -- To do ashwini mudra, first you have to sit in a comfortable asana like sukhasana, padamasana, vajra asana etc., in which you can put your backbone and neck in straight position and then exhale your breath completely and restrain incoming breath from coming inside; thereafter you have to contract and release your anus (sphincter) for a maximum number of times as much as you can do so; And after that inhale and get relaxed. Contractions of sphincter can be made at such frequency as you feel comfortable but normally 2 contractions per second is good.

Ashwini Mudra will help new yoga practitioners to locate sushmana nadi as well as apana energy. It will be better if you can practice Ashwini Mudra in sets like 70x3= 210 contractions in one sitting.

Last but not least that you are better judge to know the intensity of your sadhana and presence of competent yoga guru is must while practicing any kind of yogic sadhana because it deals with powerful energy currents (Prana and Apana Shakti) ...

Jai Guru Dev .