Monday, September 7, 2009

Agnisar Kriya

Helo my dear friends
Last time I told you Kapal Bhati Kriya and this time I am going to tell you “Agnisar”. As the name itself reveal the effect and nature of kriya which literally means Agni-Fire and Sar- essence/crux. We can do this kriya after doing kapalbhati or in between two sets of kapalbhati. You have to follow all do’s and don’ts as already elaborated by me in my earlier posts. So while keeping in mind that you people already knows all do’s and don’t’s, let me describe this Agnisar Kriya –
In this kriya the first thing is to inhale full breath in your lungs /belly which in consequence will uplift you chest cavity little and then exhale your breath fully in such a manner that your belly/navel moves towards your back; And you have to kept your exhaled breath outside without letting any air to come in so that your belly/lungs remains empty air; while keeping this position/state, you have to move your belly in and out as you use to do in kapabhati kriya for few times [50-100] as per you capacity and after completing this movement [i.e. in and move out process], let the air come in and relax yourself until your breath becomes normal.
You must be careful while doing this kriya – In this kriya your belly moves in and out [as you use to do in kapalbhati], while your lungs remains empty of air; whereas in kapalbhati kriya you use to exhale with force and breath comes in naturally [without any effort]; For better understanding you may see Baba Ramdev in his demonstrating video or on TV channels. In crux, the difference between Kapalbhati kriya and Agnisar Kriya is – Agnisar kriya is done without any presence of breath whereas in Kapalbhati breath use to come in and out.
You must be little careful that while exhaling or doing this kriya, you must not be feeling dizzy or like thing and every person must use his mind [Please Note that all yogic techniques must be learnt and practiced under guidance of competent yoga guru and this text is just to give additional information and it doesn’t replace practical doing under any competent yoga guru/master]. This Agnisar Kriya will invoke your Jathragni [fire] which will overall affect your digestive system. It’s act like an elixir for people having indigestion or for yogi’s who use to sit in one posture for long time. It harmonizes your internal digestive/abdominal system and has long lasting effect on your breath also. If you do this kriya for 5-10 times then it will also invoke sushmana current which in result will invoke your latent faculties in your body.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Third Kriya

Hello my dear friends, sorry for some gap, actually I was busy with some personal affairs. Now the next and Third Kriya is Kapal Bhati which literally means Shining of forehead, actually it was earlier practiced as one of Shat Karma [Neti, Dhauti, Basti, Nauli, Tratak and kapal Bhati] which are purifying exercises. It is a great exercise which can do wonders for people suffering from various diseases. In modern times Shri Baba Ram Dev Maharaj have done great efforts in popularizing this technique and have proved through various research and by applying this technique on various patients that this technique, if used properly, can do wonders and can prove elixir for many patients.
I am practicing this technique from many years and I have personally experienced that it enhances your stamina exponentially. If you regularly do this technique [while having empty stomach] then you can also witness/experience the overall effect of this technique on your body and mind. It not only enhance your stamina but also purify your all Nadis which ultimately prepare a platform for you to witness and have great and unique experience which you have never experienced ever before.
I am not exaggerating anything but whatever I am saying, I am saying with my experience. So let me tell you the way of doing it. First of all this kriya can be practiced only when you are having empty stomach and appropriate time for doing this technique is early morning or at evening after 4-5 hours of lunch. Second thing which you have to do is to sit on Sukhasana or Padmasana or Sidhasana while keeping your back and neck straight. You don’t have to tense any of your muscle and keeps your body relaxed while keeping your backbone straight. Now you have to start exhaling with thrust while feeling breath sensation on/in nose. You need not to worry to inhale as the breath will come in naturally and you have to keep exhaling at rate of 1 exhalation per second or more as you feel comfortable. The gist of this kriya is – when you do this kriya, your chest remains calm and relaxed and your belly will move in while exhaling breath [with thrust]. For first time you may do this kriya 100 times or more and after some time you may increase the frequency as per your body need and capability. For correct posture and technique you can see the videos or teleprogram of Baba Ram Dev Maharaj.
This Kapal Bhati [technique] Kriya develops heat in your body which ultimately burns your all diseases in due course of time. This kriya can be done with open eyes or closed eyes but my personal experience is that when you do this kriya while keeping your eyes closed while concentrating on your third eye, you may feel sensation and awareness towards your third eye which ultimately can unravel the key towards infinite energy.
For more queries you may ask any question. Feedbacks are most welcome in case of any error or for betterment.

Hari om tat sat

Your friend

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Dear All
The Second kriya/yogic technique is Anulom Vilom pranayama-
Before practicing Anulom Vilom pranayama /kriya, one must understand the working of two nadis i.e. Ingla Nadi and Pingla Nadi; As per ancient Yoga text human body have 72,000 Nadies out of which these two nadis are most important in maintaining body temperature/functions, Ingla nadi represent water/coolness and it calms and maintain kaph in human body whereas Pingla represents fire element and it maintains temperature of body, metabolism etc. At a time, only one nadi flows and after some gap or time other nadi regulates and even sometimes both nadi flows together for short span of time but usually it not happens for long time or daily;
Whereas the first step of yogi is to open these two flows of nadis i.e. Ingla & Pingla together so that the third element i.e. sukshmana nadi could be flowed and worked upon for further great experience. Anulom Vilom is a kriya by which we can manage and control these two flows of energies and by practice the practitioner could be able to flow these two energies together at same time. Anulom Vilom could be done by taking breath by one nostril while keeping other nostril closed by thumb or finger and after inhalation the nostril through which breath was inhaled should be closed and breath be exhaled through other nostril and vice versa. This is a very easy and effective yogic technique which our ancient higher level yogi’s and maharishis have evolved and practiced. This technique should be practiced daily doing 4 and more repetitions three times daily.

Jai Gurudev

Yogic Kriyas

Dear all
Now I want to share you with some yoga kriyas which if regularly practised could give great results but before that, Please Note that-
a) If anyone have any kind of medical problem history then please consult your doctors before practicing any kriya else instead of getting benefit, you can suffer health loss;
b) Content given in this blog is just for knowledge sharing and it could not replace practical doing of same under guidance of competent yoga master, please be careful;
c) The techniques described herein are exposed for study purposes only and serve as a comparison with the works of other researchers. The author hopes this work will inspire intelligent feedback. Any remarks, criticism, corrections and additions are welcome. Before practicing any kind of yogic exercise/kriya please do learn such yogic kriya under guidance of competent yoga teacher;
d) Author shall not be liable for any loss, harm, suffering (whether physically & mentally) etc. which may arise by doing of such yogic kriyas as mentioned herein; All these kriyas should be learnt and practice under guidance of competent guru

  • The First Kriya is Bhastrika Pranayama- in this kind of pranayama the person needs to do full chest/abdominal breathing continuously for some time (time depends upon one’s ability, repetition may vary from 5-25 or more) and by doing this kriya one may find that oxygen level of his body gets enhanced and you feel more energetic and recharged. It cleans blockage in nose/chest and make your lungs more efficient in taking oxygen. It is a very good yogic technique. The second Kriya will be explained in my next post.