Monday, September 27, 2021

True Meditation

I hope all of my friends are  doing good and they are safe in this Covid -19 Pandemic. But when whole world was under lockdown due to this pandemic, I got plenty of time to meditate within and even many times I had dipped into deeper meditative state which gave me immense and beautiful experiences of my own self.

I am getting various queries regarding meditation and also that most of the people didn't get actual benefits of meditation despite of fact that they are doing this since many years.. I had wondered why and how this happening to them .. and when I had asked them that what meditative techniques they are following, I found that most of people are meditating on something external and not following meditation prescribed by profound Yogis and Saints.

 That before practising any kind of meditation, the first thing anyone should know is "what is mind". Many people will say mind is such a system of human being which rationalises things and do all logic works etc. etc. 

But when we see it in spiritual way, the mind is all such distractions whether mentally or physically which doesn't allow you to sit even for a second. When we say sit, it means sitting without any thought. Now another question arises, is it possible to make a mind devoid of thoughts.. the answer is 'no' because the moment your thought goes the mind also goes at that very moment.. both are two sides of one coin.        

So the biggest problem in meditation is our own mind which always jumps like monkey here and there and doesn't sits idle for even a moment... So the question -why most people doesn't get benefit of meditation is that they want to do meditation by their mind itself. They want to concentrate their mind by fixing or concentrating on some object whether internal or outer the body, which never happens because its very inherent nature of mind to get involve in new thoughts, things, activities etc. and it doesn't allow us to meditate on our own true self. Even in meditative state, mind continue to distract our consciousness on different planes and doesn't allow the consciousness to be aware of higher realms of consciousness. When we say being aware of higher realms, it doesn't mean calmness of mind because you can get calmness by different methods and some times even through drugs. We are not here to get some calmness from our daily stress or to cope up our physical world difficulties but we are here to know our true self by raising our consciousness at higher planes, which are beyond mind. In other words, the soul is like crystal clear lake and mind is such distraction which creates ripples in lake just to make you unable to see your face clear.       

Here another question arises, whether mind and our own self is one... The answer is 'no' .. Our own true self is not a mind but it is totally different from mind and body though due to our previous and this birth samskar we confuse ourselves with this body and mind but in actual we are neither body nor mind. 

Then the real question arises, how we should meditate to come over our mind and take actual benefits of meditation.. 

The key and secret is that we don't have to concentrate on anything but we have to withdraw our attention inwards naturally just like tortoise withdraws its limbs and sits securely inside its shell.  Various profound yogis have prescribed various meditation methods to put attention inside like Vipassana, Surat Shabd Yoga. But I always suggest that practise that meditation method which teaches you to put your awareness behind eyes and not at any chakra below eyes. Because, all chakras (including Muladhar, Swathisthan, Manipur, Anahat and Vishudhi) can give you just experiences of different energy levels but it cannot take your consciousness to higher realms and to real abode of your soul. 

Therefore I always advise to practise Surat Shabd Yoga by searching True Master (Satguru) who can give initiation to you by giving secret practise word to enter into real spiritual world. I am practitioner of Surat Shabd Yoga since last 31 years and I found that this is the most effective method to not only meditate easily but to enhance your awareness to higher levels which are generally not known to most of yogis, sadhus, meditator etc. Various highly enlightened Indian saints like Sant Kabir, Guru Nanak, Sant Ravidas, Sant Dadu and many more other highly enlightened saints have propagated this method to masses. Even in Bible, the opening line of John Gospel it is said that "in the beginning there was a word and the word was with God and the Word was God" . What else could be explained better than this. Infact, this is Roya El Camino i.e. royal path towards spirituality.    

So the secret is to go within and not anywhere else .. This body is temple of soul given by the God (Creator) and you can find God or Soul within and nowhere else...  at last but not least any meditation without love and devotion towards True master (Satguru) cannot take your awareness at higher realms of awareness. If any one have any query then I am always available to help you.