Friday, July 31, 2015


Nidra is hindi word which literally means "Sleep" but Yoga Nidra is not a yogic sleep but it’s a yogic technique to relax and calm down conscious mind to reach subconscious mind, which is store house of all possibilities, powers, past birth memories, cause of present, our present nature, attitude towards life and the reason for our present being.
Yog Nidra is a tool to unlock that vast source of energy/consciousness which would definitely change your attitude towards life and not only this but you will also come to know about the causes of your sufferings in present life and its way out. You will be surprised to know that by practicing Yoga Nidra, I have many times slipped in transcendental state and have seen my 2 previous births. In yogic nidra, you become aware and become observer of event, like watching TV without getting involved into drama; however, your body get relaxed like in deep sleep and conscious mind also get calm down. The more your conscious mind gets calm down, the more you will get in touch with your subconscious mind. And you will find that your intuition is getting stronger and stronger day by day and in fact you will start getting messages from your subconscious mind which you have never expected. It is not like that you did not know that thing before but you were not having access to that. You will find increase of positive energy within yourself and you will also find that you have now become more compassionate and responsible towards other. It also decreases negative aspects of human like anxiety, anger, fear etc. You will find that every answer to any question lies within you.
Many ways have been written in various yogic text about how to do yogic nidra, but I will tell you my way of doing this. In fact I use to do it in two different ways- in one technique, I use mantra to calm down mind and in other technique I use to focus on breath to calm down concisions mind. Right now, I will tell you the second one.
First of all, you must find a place where you can be alone and will not be interrupted for at least 1 hour. It may be your bedroom or any other room. But i suggest that, you must practice it in your home only because some time person slipped in transcendental state of mind and remain there for hours.
At first, you have to lie down on carpet or mat in which you can lie down straight on back comfortably without any difficulty. The mat should not be very cozy or hard. It should be comfortable only. You should lie down on back in straight line in which you can put your neck straight like you do in standing position, by keeping your feet 1 foot apart. Now, at first, you just try to bring your awareness on your breath. That how your breath is coming in natural way and how it’s going out. You may think that by inhaling breath, a warm and positive energy is coming from head and going outward through legs by taking your all tensions and anxiety. And if you find any tension in any part of body then do concentrate on that part of body for a while and you will see that tension in that part of body has been reduced and gradually vanished. By focusing on breathing pattern (i.e. natural exhaling and inhaling), you will find that your mind and its chatter box is getting calm and simultaneously you body is also getting relaxed. But beware; there is thin line between Yoga Nidra and Sleep, many practitioners slipped into sleep rather in yogic nidra. In Yogic Nidra, you become more aware about any thought and witness that thought like watching TV. But at same time, you must also try to not involve in thought despite of fact that it’s bad or good thought. Because, if you will not get involved in that thought then you will see that gradually you have overcome that event/thought. Gradually you will see cessation of thoughts and stillness of mind. The more your mind gets stilled, the more you will get in touch with sub-conscious mind. It is not that you will find answers only in that meditative state but by practicing this technique, you will feel that the barrier which was restraint in conscious and sub conscious mind is getting thin and weak. And now you are getting various messages, thoughts from sub conscious mind.
In actual, when any person dies, the memories of that life gets stored in mind (chitta) which carries away with departed soul and when that soul entered into new body, that whole impressions comes in the form of sub conscious mind, which is nothing but you own experience, which you have gathered over 1000 of births. Every birth is a lesson for soul to get elevate in higher place of consciousness.  
Yogic Nidra is a kind of meditation which makes you more aware about your thought process and the way to control that thought process. It takes you at that point from where these thoughts emerge. By regular practicing yog nidra, you will gradually gain mastery over this technique and you will start achieving meditative state in shorter period of time. You may get glimpse of your past births, future events, cause of long illness. For eg. if any bodies death has been caused by knife in particular part then that part of body must be affected in this life also. In fact past life regression is also based upon this technique but difference is that in yog nidra, you on your own get touch in sub conscious mind; whereas, in past life regression, any consultant uses hypnosis upon you to take you at that point.   
I suggest every person to do yoga nidra in daily life to get control over your persona to have more positive attitude towards life and other beings.  