Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Dear all

The next Kriya which I am going to explain is Tribanda Mudra but before that I would like to throw some light on three Bandhas named as Mul Bandha, Udiyana Bandha and Jalandhar Bandha.

As the literary meaning of hindi word Bandha is “lock or to restraint” but in actual these Bandhas are applied and practiced by the yogis to chanalise the flow of prana energy in the body and to restraint the reverse the downward flow of Prana energy. You will be surprised to know that this single kriya has given me memorable experience.

The name of first Bandha is “Mul Bandha”à Literal meaning of Mulbandha is Root Lock, Mool means Root and Bandha means Lock. Most of the people are confused about location of mulbandha, they wrongly try to pull anus, which in actual is not moolabandha but it is known as Ashwini Mudra. To better understand the location of Muladhara chakra is to first concentrate upon your natural flow of breath, the moment you will be able to concentrate on the natural flow of breath, you will find that when breath is coming in, your belly comes out and air is filled in your lungs similarly when your breath goes out (on its own), your belly naturally comes in, but during this procedure, your lower part of the body also feels some pull, which is also felt at area known as perineum i.e. area between anus and scrotum.

Moolbandha is done by pulling the muscles of perineum and lower abdomen, which yogis use to do in Sidha asana by putting one heal at perineum region and other on genital organ by placing their other heal horizontally at lower abdomen area. Initially, if you find difficult to pull perineum muscles then you may first try to do Ashwini mudra by pulling your anus muscles. Gradually, you will be able to do moolbandha perfectly.

The Second bandha is known as “Udiyana Bandha” à as the literal meaning of Udiyana is to fly and bandha is lock. Here Udiyana means to make the prana energy fly or you may say escape from lower region of energy centre i.e. mooladhara. Udiyana Bandha is practiced simply by exhaling all your breath and then restraint the incoming air (out) at will. During this Udiayana Bandha, the yogi tries to pull his abdomen muscles inside towards its back, which in actual creates suction effect upon prana energy to move upward towards Sahastrasar.

The Third Bandha is known as “Jalandhar Banda” à This Bandha is practiced by pulling chin inwards towards throat but it is important to note that your neck must be kept straight in line with your backbone (like soldier pose) so that prana energy from mooladhar towards Sahastrasar must flow without restriction but at the same time Jalandhar Bandha restricts any heavy flow of Prana, which sometimes happens, towards Sahastrasar, so that brain vessels could not be damaged. It is very essential to know that these Kriyas are very powerful one and everyone must practice these kriyas under guidance of any competent guru.


This Tribandha Mudra is so powerful, that it alone can awake your kundalini shakti from mooladhara and send it to Sahastrasar. Even I have experienced this phenomenon that’s why I am saying this to you.

Tribandha Mudra is practiced by first applying Moolbandha (Root Lock) then Udiyana Bandha by exhaling all breath out of lungs and by pulling abdomen muscles towards back and then by applying Jalandhar Bandha to restrain incoming air (breath) from coming inside lungs and keep the breath out till such time as you may do comfortably. This Tribandha Mudra gives great results when your sushmana is awakened.

Jai Gurudev

Sunday, May 22, 2011



my dear friends ... I am really sorry for such a long gap... I am still in process to develop this blog to share more secrets of Yoga... I am thankful to all of you for joining me in this blog...

Jai Guru Dev